
sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

[GIVEAWAY] I'm still alive!!!!

It took me a while but here I am, it's a Giveaway time!!!!!!!

This time is a Raine Miller's book, Naked, paperback versión signed by the author, plus a surprise gift that have brought from SFGGAE17, it will be two giveaway one for an english version and another one for the spanish version, same book same gift!!

How to participate?

 You must follow Raine Miller on Facebook (facebook.com/rainemillerromance)
 Invite your friends to follow Raine Miller FB page sharing with them what do you like the most about her stories and that's it, you're in!!!!

Don't forget!!!!

 Don't forget come back here and show your screenshot or in the group Raine Miller Romance Readers.
 Just share Raine Miller's page won't count, you MUST write why do you like it.
 Start May 26 ends June 09 
If you have any question or suggestions you can write to numenesse9@gmail.com, facebook.com/lunumenesse, or comment here.
 You can visit my FB page and see the price (I will share a pic in the afternoon).


Congrats to Kelly Moreno!!
Please send me your info to numenesse9@gmail.com

5 comentarios:

  1. done: https://www.facebook.com/lea.jerancic/posts/10154429149736533?pnref=story

  2. Tweeted too: https://twitter.com/LeaJerani/status/871237717375545344

    1. Hi Lea!!
      Thank you so much!!! you're in!! wait for the result next week!!

    2. Hi! Where was the winner announced? I must have missed it somehow.

    3. Hello Lea!
      No, you didn't miss it, like I was offline like 2 weeks, I added 4 more days, so the winner screenshot is now in the post, sorry for the long waiting.


Todos los comentarios son bienvenidos, pero POR FAVOR NO pidas libros, donde bajarlos gratis o PDFs. Romance y Pasión no presta libros. Y por cortesía, si tu comentario va a tener SPOILERS avísalo antes. ¡Gracias!